3.2. sciexp2.expdef.experiments

Source: sciexp2/expdef/experiments.py

Automate generation of parametrized launchers.



Helper to use sciexp2.common.utils.find_files with from_function.


Parameter value to add given parameter permutations to every experiment.



Wrap function to get experiment as first argument during translation.


Similar to with_exp, but passes translated template as second argument.



Define and generate experiment sets.


Proxy to a subset of elements in a Experiments instance.

3.2.3. from_find_files

from_find_files(template, **kwargs)

Helper to use sciexp2.common.utils.find_files with from_function.

Will provide all variable names that are tags in the template. If argument path is provided, will also provide that variable name (with the full path to the found file).


Template of file paths to find.


Arguments to sciexp2.common.utils.find_files.


After creating some example files:

>>> import tempfile
>>> tmp = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
>>> _ = open(os.path.join(tmp.name, "0.txt"), "w")
>>> _ = open(os.path.join(tmp.name, "1.txt"), "w")

Now we can use the variables on the file template (a) and its full path (PATH) as new variables on the experiments (var and path):

>>> e = Experiments()
>>> f = from_find_files(os.path.join(tmp.name, "{{a}}.txt"), path="PATH")
>>> e.params(var=f.param("a"), path=f.param("PATH"))
>>> e                               
Experiments([{'path': '/tmp/.../0.txt', 'var': 0},
             {'path': '/tmp/.../1.txt', 'var': 1}])

3.2.4. from_function

from_function(fun, keys)

Parameter value to add given parameter permutations to every experiment.

For every experiment, it will permute it with the values returned by fun. Note that fun is expected to return entries with multiple variable names (specified by keys), so you must call param on the result of from_function to select the specific variable name.


Function to call on every experiment, receives the experiment at hand and must return a list of dict.

keyslist of str

Variable names in the elements returned by fun.


The result can use any of the values available on each experiment; in this case b is two and three times the value of a (note how from_func and other values can be mixed):

>>> def func(exp):
...     return [{'b': exp["a"]*2}, {'b': exp["a"]*3}]
>>> e = Experiments()
>>> e.params(a=range(2), b=from_function(func, ["b"]).param("b"))
>>> e
Experiments([{'a': 0, 'b': 0}, {'a': 1, 'b': 2}, {'a': 1, 'b': 3}])

3.2.5. get_executor_workers


3.2.6. with_exp


Wrap function to get experiment as first argument during translation.


>>> e = Experiments()
>>> e.params(a=range(2), b=range(2),
...          c=with_exp(lambda exp: exp['a']+exp['b']))
>>> e.translate("{{c}}")
['0', '1', '2']

3.2.7. with_exp_tpl

with_exp_tpl(func, template)

Similar to with_exp, but passes translated template as second argument.

This is a convenience shortcut for using text.translate in with_exp.


In its basic form, we can combine translated templates with other experiment values:

>>> e = Experiments()
>>> def fun(exp, tpl):
...     return tpl + " == " + str(exp['a']+exp['b'])
>>> e.params(a=range(2), b=range(2),
...          f=with_exp_tpl(fun, "{{a}}+{{b}}"))
>>> e.translate("{{f}}")
['0+0 == 0', '0+1 == 1', '1+0 == 1', '1+1 == 2']

But this comes in handy when we want to pull the contents of per-experiment files into new experiment values. Let’s start by creating some files:

>>> import tempfile
>>> tmp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
>>> with open(os.path.join(tmp_dir.name, "file-0"), "w") as f:
...     f.write("000")
>>> with open(os.path.join(tmp_dir.name, "file-1"), "w") as f:
...     f.write("111")

And now we can use them to populate experiment values:

>>> def get_file(exp, path):
...    return open(path, "r").read()
>>> v = e.view("b == 0")
>>> v.params(f=with_exp_tpl(get_file, os.path.join(tmp_dir.name, "file-1")))
>>> v.translate("{{f}}")
>>> v.params(f=with_exp_tpl(get_file, os.path.join(tmp_dir.name, "file-{{a}}")))
>>> v.translate("{{f}}")
['000', '111']